Tuesday, March 11, 2008

CarSearch™: On Car Salesmen

Car salesmen are an interesting bunch. On one hand, pretty much everyone has the same opinion of them: a greedy, lying bastard out to take every penny they can from you, even if it means you can't afford to buy groceries or you might have to make room for a bed in what he just sold you. But on the other hand, the system lives on. The proof is in the pudding. Even if everyone in America hates used car salesmen, a heck of a lot of them still buy their cars from them. So, can you really blame them for acting the way they do?

By my recent estimates, approximately 54.2% of the Internet is advice from people on how to deal with used car salesmen, ranging from '10 Tips For Dealing With Car Salesmen to Make Sure You Don’t Get Hosed' (Everybody likes short and sweet and no one wants to get hosed.) to 'What Everyone Should Know About Dealing with Car Salesmen' (Hmmm, maybe I need to know more than 10 things...) to a 'Dealing With Car Salesmen' forum (Wait... these are real people. Real people I can trust.) to 'Confessions of a Former Car Salesman' and 'Confessions of a Car Salesman' (Clearly these two men have had a change of heart. Now that I'm armed with this, these salesmen better watch out!) and finally 'The Car Dealership's BIGGEST Secret -- Revealed!' (It's like the National Enquirer of car shopping!). After arming myself with this huge chunk of Internet wisdom, I'm ready to take on a world full of car salesmen.

Stay tuned for the next installment to see how well I use my newly discovered powers.

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