1. I retired from running.
Don't expect any more marathon updates or anything crazy like that. Running and I are over. I can't control myself. I went from about zero running for a few months to nine miles in one day after about four or five weeks. And then I broke down like always, because zero miles to nine miles is overdoing it. I can't run in moderation, so it's over for good.
2. We are settled into the new house.
We've been here long enough to have almost everything put away. We've made a couple of painful payments and stuff is starting to break. Joys of homeownership, right? Anyway, it's awesome. I'm sitting here with the windows open, the breeze at my back, and some unnecessarily long grass within my sights. I'll get to it tomorrow.
3. We got married last week.
Katie and I are official. We flew to Vegas, waited for the families to arrive, and did some gambling. (And then we went to the blackjack tables... ba dum cha!) Really tho, the wedding went well, the ceremony was nice and short. The champagne was cold. After we put the family back on planes, we drove a rented Mustang convertible to the Grand Canyon and did some hiking. Then we went back to Vegas to catch our plane and lost a lot more money that night.
Anyway, I think three complete topics is enough for today. Don't want this to be like running. I'll try to post something else before the end of the year... if anyone is still reading.