When we moved back to Indianapolis, we were in a bit of a rush and had to get an apartment site unseen. So we did a lot of research on the Internet, and then sent friends and parents by a few different places to help make the decision. Then we totally didn't follow any of their advice and went with the one we thought we liked the best.
Fast forward to the night we arrive in Indianapolis. We left Hutchinson at about 8am local time and drove straight thru to Indy, stopping only for food and gas. It was cold and we didn't want to leave the cats in Katie's car for long, so it was all junk food and fast food. We got to Indianapolis around 10:30pm, and get up the off ramp to find construction everywhere. Well that's not exactly something you can plan for, but I was tired and didn't really care at the time. I just wanted to get to a bed.
Now that we've been in the apartment for five weeks or so and have driven to work every morning and home every evening, the construction becomes more and more annoying. In the midst of the construction on our route to work, they also closed a bridge on the other side of our apartment complex, which funnels even more traffic past our complex. Since this last mess of storms has gone thru, now our street is riddled with potholes. The good news is, it looks like a few of the potholes got filled yesterday. Hopefully they finish that job today.
Anyway, construction sucks. It's not too bad in the morning commute, but every evening, after you've been thru a full day of work and just want to get home, you get 90% of the way and then run into the bottleneck of traffic trying to get out of the city and sit thru about 4 stoplight cycles to get over the bridge. So, I guess the moral of this story is that I'm hoping this construction gets done before we end up moving out of the apartments, or that was a really poor choice for temporary living arrangements. And the other moral is, when you send someone to look at a place for you, don't just ask about the neighborhood, because no one will tell you about the
SINGLE LANE BRIDGE down the street that you will have to take
EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to go
ANYWHERE in the city.
Thanks guys.